Summary of 2009

The first year of pub­lishing blog is bey­ond me.

Try­ing to sum­ma­ri­ze I find that a lot has hap­pe­ned, but few of that I showed here. So far, in addi­ti­on to our wed­ding, and per­ha­ps because of its orga­ni­zati­on, I was not able to show more results of my hobby.

Expe­ri­en­ce from Nikon Cre­a­ti­ve Lighting Sys­tem workshop was very hel­p­ful for me. I have just fini­sed only few pictu­res and many more are still wai­ting to pass, sort and edit. I will gra­du­ally add more.
Then I bou­ght a new sys­tem fla­sh Nikon SB-900. New pictu­res made ​​main­ly in inte­ri­ors are now 100% better.

Our wed­ding was pre­ce­ded by my fri­ends, Len­ka and Vlá­ďa, wed­ding. Due to a seri­ous car acci­dent that clo­sed the road and I got stuck for seve­ral hours, my colle­a­gue and I cau­ght the eve­ning par­ty only. Neverthe­less the­re were cre­a­ted a few unique and nice photos.

I hope that next year will be more pro­ducti­ve. It will cer­ta­in­ly be more pro­ducti­ve, more fer­ti­le inde­ed, as alrea­dy impa­ti­ent­ly wai­ting for the birth of our first child. May­be I will sha­re more of this joy.

Well, good luck in next year and good light.
Celý pří­spě­vek